Inventions Lead the Way
Image Courtesy of LiftLabs
Innovation gives us reason to be hopeful. These items—available now or in testing—can help make daily living with Parkinson's disease easier and more comfortable.
Stay Steady
Lift Labs, acquired by Google, designed Liftware table utensils. The handles are embedded with technology that responds to the hand’s tremors and then steadies the utensil, even when shaking. This kind of tech, which was supported by the National Institutes of Health, has so much potential that companies are looking at ways to use it for drinking and personal grooming. Order at google.com/liftware.
Button Up
For patients with motor skill problems, getting dressed can be stressful. MagnaReady sells cotton button-down shirts and casual shirts for men and women with buttons that close with magnets. Patients can dress themselves independently and quickly without worry. To order, visit magnaready.com.
Real-Time Research
The Parkinson mPower app (Mobile Parkinson Observatory for Worldwide, Evidence-based Research) is a brand-new iPhone app that allows PD patients (and those without PD, as controls) to track their symptoms in real time and share that data with researchers. The app uses questionnaires and data from activities such as finger tapping and walking, allowing users to participate in the biggest and most comprehensive study of Parkinson’s disease. Learn more at parkinsonmpower.org.
Sensing Opportunity
A 9-year-old girl in Chicago was inspired to make a spill-proof, unbreakable cup after watching her grandfather cope with Parkinson’s disease. With the help of her father, she designed the Kangaroo Cup. Its three legs give it a stable base that doesn't easily tip. The family launched a Kickstarter program and successfully raised funds to move forward. Order the $13 Kangaroo Cup at Imagiroo.com.
Originally printed in MoreThanMotion, Spring 2015.